
Ciasto Pani Walewska: A Regal Dessert for Special Occasions


Q: Can I use store-bought dough instead of making it from scratch?
A: Yes, pre-made shortcrust pastry can save time and still yields great results.

Q: What can I substitute for sour cream in the dough?
A: Greek yogurt or crème fraîche are excellent alternatives to sour cream.

Q: Why is my meringue not forming stiff peaks?
A: Ensure your bowl and whisk are completely clean and free of grease. Also, make sure no egg yolk has mixed with the whites.

Q: Can I make this cake gluten-free?
A: Absolutely! Substitute the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour blend suitable for baking.

Enjoy this regal dessert and savor its rich history and flavor!

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