
Łaciaty Blok Czekoladowy – A Polish Delight


  1. Can I use a different type of biscuit? Yes, you can substitute digestive biscuits with any plain, crunchy biscuits, such as graham crackers or tea biscuits.
  2. Can I skip the refrigeration? Refrigeration is necessary for the chocolate to set properly. Skipping this step will result in a soft and less firm block.
  3. How can I make this dessert gluten-free? To make the dessert gluten-free, simply use gluten-free biscuits or crackers, ensuring that all other ingredients are also gluten-free.
  4. Can I add more sugar? The amount of sugar in the recipe can be adjusted according to your preference. However, keep in mind that the chocolate itself adds sweetness, so additional sugar may not be necessary.
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